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Save the Children is
the world’s leading independent
organization for children.
Save the Children was the first global
movement for children boldly
declaring that children have rights.

We believe that every child has the right to sur- vive and reach their full potential, and work to help them have a fair chance in life, changing the future for good.

With 25,000 dedicated staff across 120 countries, we respond to major emergencies, deliver innovative development programs, and ensure children’s voices are heard through our campaigning to build a better future for and with children.

Our History
100 years ago, a courageous woman named Eglantyne Jebb founded Save the Children in response to the terrible suffering children were acing as a result of war.
With a strong vision for children’s rights, in 1923 Eglantyne wrote what she believed were the fundamental rights of every child. This powerful statement was adopted by the League of Nations in 1924(forerunner to the United Nations), and now underpins the current UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Save the Children Korea
Save the children Korea was established to assist children in midst of the Korean War.
The war left many children destitute and living unaccompanied on the streets.
Save the Children set up a healthcare clinic, milk feeding center and playground in a major refugee camp in Pusan since 1953.
Save the Children Korea is now a leading member of the Save the Children Association, a group of 30 Save the Children organizations that share a global vision and strategy for improving the lives of children worldwide.
Our Ambition
Our ambition for 2030 is to create a world in
which all children:
  • Survive:
    No child dies from preventable causes before their fifth birthday
  • Learn:
    All children learn from a quality basic education
  • Are protected:
    Violence against children is no longer tolerated.

Our bold ambition builds on 100 years’ experience of brining communities, civil society, governments, businesses and donors together to achieve lasting change for children.
Our Strategic Goals
We hold children’s rights at the heart of everything we do, amplifying young voices and challenging ourselves and others to listen. We prioritize the most deprived and marginalized children. We fight for large scale and lasting change for children. We are committed to moving power, resource and accountability to where change happens, closer to children.
Save the Children has a proven track record of using donations efficiently and effectively.
Our independently audited financial statements consistently show that out of every money spent, 81% goes directly toward helping children.
We recognize the importance of being transparent and accountable in all aspects of our work.
We keep administrative costs low so that more funding goes to children’s programs.
Safeguarding Children
We believe all children have a right to protection from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect.
Save the Children’s policies guide our employees to understand their roles and responsibilities to children and assists them to positively and respectfully engage and empower children and families.
Our staff must always respect children, listen to them and protect them from harm.